北海道大学農經論叢 = The Review of the Society of Agricultural Economics;第65集


中国東北における高級ブランド米の産地形成と農民専業合作社の機能 : 黒竜江省五常市を事例として

朴, 紅;青柳, 斉;李, 英花;郭, 翔宇;張, 錦女

Permalink : http://hdl.handle.net/2115/42906


North East China has attracted attention as it has become one of the few leading production areas of japonica rice. However, because of the expansion of rice production and the inadequate commodity flow system, there has been severe over-production since the production peak of 2003. It resulted in fierce competition among production areas there. Since then, there has been focus on product branding with variety, growing techniques, and marketing improvement etc. This study focuses on understanding the reasons behind the formation of the high-class brand rice production area in Wuchang City, Heilongjiang Province, which is famous for rice production in the past. In terms of marketing, independent rice polishing enterprises differentiated from the Food Bureau. Recently the farmers specialized cooperative has taken up the main responsibility of product branding. The foundation of the production area has two characteristics. The first one is that since many Korean farmers in this area go to their home country (Korea) to work, more and more of their land is lent to other farmers, resulting in a formation of large scale farming. The second one is that the quality of rice has spread with an improvement in variety and an improvement of organic rice production.