子ども発達臨床研究センター英文年報 = Research and Clinical Center for Child Development : Annual Report - No. 30

A Case Study of Teenage Babysitting in the United States

Kawata, Nozomi

Permalink :  http://hdl.handle.net/2115/42960
KEYWORDS : babysitting; child care; nurturance; adolescent; transition


This is a case study on adolescent babysitting in the United States, which is a popular phenomenon nowadays in some communities. The author interviewed people in their late teens or twenties and parents from the United States. The former group was asked about their experiences as a babysitter and their experiences of having babysat in early childhood. The latter group was asked about experiences in hiring a teenage babysitter. The data illustrated the perspectives of three parties-babysitter, babysittee, and parent. By exploring the babysitting system, this paper attempts to illustrate two important aspects of the system; (1) How the babysitting system can serve as a nurturance formation device and (2) how it accelerates the transition of an adolescent from childhood to adulthood. In conclusion, the babysitting system was considered that (1) adolescent babysitters develop nurturance through structured and unstructured education and (2) the experience of undertaking a temporary parent/adult role makes for a smooth transition of the adolescent from childhood to adulthood. We hope to provide an effective view of resolving the difficulties that Japanese society currently faces by shedding light on the babysitting system in North America.