子ども発達臨床研究センター英文年報 = Research and Clinical Center for Child Development : Annual Report - No. 30

Correctional Education for Preschoolers with Speech and Language Difficulties in the Russian Federation

Niwano, Katsuko;Kononenko, Alexei;Arakawa, Keisuke;Kitaoka, Tadashi

Permalink :  http://hdl.handle.net/2115/42962
KEYWORDS : Russia; special education; preschool; speech therapy; integration


This paper presents an investigation of special education in preschools practicing integrated education in the Krasnoyarsk region, the Russian Federation. They use the term "correctional education" instead of "special education" for special needs education. Children with speech and language difficulties have speech and language therapy by professional speech therapists and other specialists through both discrete and group lessons in the preschools practicing integrated education. Speech therapy has been an important part of correctional education for children with special needs since the Soviet era because there is a close link between speech and other higher mental functions. They have carried out correctional education based on the elaborated study of "defectology" in the Soviet era. Although the Soviet-style of special education was almost an entirely separate educational system, modern Russia has begun to embrace a new educational system, "integration". Specialists related to special education have found some benefits of integration for children's social development. We visited preschools which include both nondisabled children and children with special needs to observe the speech therapy and other remedial education practices. We also interviewed specialists in pediatric and special education in the city medical-psychological-social centers. One of the goals of the centers is to prepare children for integration into society. They have been influenced by "Western" special education and started to change their differentiating educational system to integration in modern Russia.