小学校体育授業における教師の授業中の「出来事への気づき」に関する研究 : 学習成果(ゲームパフォーマンス)の相違に着目して
厚東, 芳樹;宗野, 文俊
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JaLCDOI : 10.14943/b.edu.110.49
KEYWORDS : 小学校体育授業; ゲームパフォーマンス; 出来事への気づき; 事例研究; Physical Education Classes in Elementary School; Game Performance; Awareness of “class events”; A case study
The purpose of this study was to compare the difference in teaching on teachers’ awareness of “class events” during physical education classes. Three teachers in charge of primary 4 grade (age 10) to take part in this study. Three teacher is high score (N=2) and low score (N=1) teachers’ of game performance after physical education classes. As a result, it was found that the awareness of “class events” in lessons is strongly impacted by the professional expertise from view of game performance.