屈斜路カルデラ周辺におけるMT 法による比抵抗探査
本多, 亮;山谷, 祐介;市原, 寛;長谷, 英彰;茂木, 透;山下, 晴之;大山, 倫敦;上嶋, 誠;中川, 光弘
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JaLCDOI : 10.14943/gbhu.74.45
Two noticeable caldera lakes exist around Teshikaga region, Eastern Hokkaido, Northern Japan. One is the Lake Masyu, and the other is the Lake Kutcharo, upon the largest caldera in Japan. The calderas locate on the Akan-Shiretoko volcanic line, and the region is still active. We can see many geothermal and fumarolic phenomena around. Recently, the chronology of the volcanic activity in this region is well surveyed by geologists, and the clarification of the eruption mechanism is now discussed from the disaster prevention point of view. Also, there is an interesting fact that the Teshikaga region seems to locate just at the offset of the volcanic line. Geophysical approaches can propose the effective information for these unsolved problems. In this paper, we report about the magnetotelluric observation that we have been performing these couple of years.