北海道大学留学生センター紀要 = Bulletin of International Student Center Hokkaido University;第1号


日本語日本文化研修コース上級クラスにおけるカリキュラム : "上級日本語"科目を中心に

小林, 由子

Permalink : http://hdl.handle.net/2115/45554
KEYWORDS : 日本語日本文化研修コース;カリキュラム;読解・文法クラス;コンテントベース;相互作用アプローチ


Japanese language and culture study course is one year course for undergraduate level Government Scholarship students who wish to deepen their language skills and understanding of Japanese culture. The course of Hokkaido University has unique character because it has exclusive course for intermediate-advanced level students. But there is little discussion about the curriculum of the course. In this paper the following points are described and discussed, 1) what kinds of students attend the course 2) how is the advanced-level curriculum, 3) how is the curriculum of grammar and reading class. The students need to brushup / improve their language skill and learn about Japanese culture / society. Therefore content-based curriculum adopted to the class. Interactive approach is taken in grammar and reading class. The grammar and reading class got a certain result. But there are some problems to be solved, 1) to assess the necessities and lacks of the students, 2) to get hold of the subjects to teach Japanese culture and society, 3) to develop materials and 4) to develop activities to grow up students reading skills and autonomy.