北海道大学留学生センター紀要 = Bulletin of International Student Center Hokkaido University;第2号


スラヴ語話者のための日本語音声表記 : 1. ポーランド語の場合

和田, 弥恵子

Permalink : http://hdl.handle.net/2115/45561
KEYWORDS : スラヴ語;ポーランド語;国際音声字母(IPA);日本語音声表記;ローマ字表記


The purpose of this study is to consider how to romanize Japanese for speakers of Slavic languages. Romanization (Roma-ji) is very useful in enabling Japanese language learners to grasp Japanese pronunciation quickly. Especially those who study Japanese for a comparatively short time period or who do not need to learn Japanese characters require romanized Japanese to represent Japanese sounds properly. However, some romanized spellings may suggest the wrong sounds to learners, because certain letters correspond to different sounds in different languages. Therefore, the method of romanizing Japanese should reflect the learner's native language. This paper proposes a method of romanization for speakers of Polish. Furthermore, a knowledge of the phoneme system of the learner's native language is of great help in giving proper instruction in pronunciation. The IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet) is widely used today for phonetic transcription and it is extremely useful in gaining a general idea of the pronunciation of unfamiliar languages. In this paper Polish phonemes are listed using the IPA, to permit close comparison with Japanese and discussion of difficulties for Polish speakers in pronouncing Japanese.