北海道大学留学生センター紀要 = Bulletin of International Student Center Hokkaido University;第2号


視聴覚クラスにおけるイントネーション意識化の試み : 日本語日本文化研修コース上級クラスの場合

石島, 満沙子;小林, 由子

Permalink : http://hdl.handle.net/2115/45571
KEYWORDS : 意識化;イントネーション;視聴覚クラス;ビデオ教材;日本語日本文化研修コース


One aim of the advanced "audio-visual class" in the advanced class of the Japanese Language and Culture Course is to develop oral expression ability. Videos recorded from television have been regularly used for understanding content and for discussion, but the development of oral ability has not been emphasized. Intonation is one of the problems faced by learners in this area, and in the class reported on here classwork for improving intonation using video material was specifically planned. First, learners were required to guess the content of speech in the video material shown without sound, and to produce dialogue accordingly. They compared this with the video. In this way the learners' attention was drawn to information conveyed purely by sound. Next they read the script aloud paying attention to intonation, and then compared their reading performance with the video and imitated the intonation of the model. In this way the learners became aware of problems in their intonation. Finally they made novel dialogues using the intonation patterns in the video material. In the course of this classwork, the learners' consciousness of intonation rose noticeably.