北海道大学留学生センター紀要 = Bulletin of International Student Center Hokkaido University;第4号


文章産出過程における母語使用の分析 : 発話思考法を用いて

副田, 恵理子

Permalink : http://hdl.handle.net/2115/45589
KEYWORDS : 上級日本語学習者;文章産出過程;母語使用;発話思考法;作文の質


The present study examines the Japanese composing processes of four Japanese language learners studying at a university in Australia, in order to reveal the role of L1 use in foreign language composing processes and its effect on the quality of their compositions. The subjects were asked to write an argumentative text in Japanese and simultaneously to verbalize their thought processes. Their verbal data were qualitatively analyzed in terms of L1 use. In addition, their written products were evaluated and qualitatively analyzed. In the present study, L1 use is shown to have a positive effect on Japanese compositions. The subjects who used L1 exclusively for pre-writing planning were able to produce better Japanese compositions in terms of content and organization. The subject who was weak in grammar benefited from translation in achieving high quality language use. The results of this study suggest that L1 use plays an important role in foreign language composing processes; composition researchers and teachers need to further their understanding of L1 use by learners and seek more effective ways in which L1 may be used.