北海道大学留学生センター紀要 = Bulletin of International Student Center Hokkaido University;第7号



西村, 龍一

Permalink : http://hdl.handle.net/2115/45636
KEYWORDS : 現代文学;サブカルチャー;戦後;知識人;メディア


The status of modern Japanese literature after the 80s is very different from the former one because of the rise of the so-called "Subcultures" etc. To understand this phenomenon, we must consider literature in close relations with other media. We must also take the changes of the social meaning and status of literature into consideration as its prehistory, going back untill the Post-War era. This paper reports on a lecture which is given to foreign students on purpose to present them modern Japanese literature and culture. The period of the subjects of this lecture can be gnerally divided into three eras. The first era reachs from the end of the War to the late 60s, and its selected subjects are Arechi-ha (poetry), Yasujiro Ozu (film), Yukio Mishima (noveI). The second era is the late 60s and the 70s, and its subjects are Shuji Terayama (theater) and Yoshikichi Furui (novel). The third era is after 80s, and its subjects are Haruki Murakami (novel), Hayao Miyazaki (animation), Ryu Murakami (novel) and Banana Yoshimoto (novel). Discussing the last two novelists, contemporary mangas became also subjects of the lecture because of their influence on the former.