北海道大学留学生センター紀要 = Bulletin of International Student Center Hokkaido University;第9号



中野, 友理

Permalink : http://hdl.handle.net/2115/45653
KEYWORDS : ノナラ;ノダ;話し手の情報領域;既定化


This paper aims to examine the function of NONARA, a conditional marker in Japanese. Although it has been stated that NONARA and NARA, another Japanese conditional marker, do not differ in meaning, we believe that there are some differences in use between these two forms. This is because NONARA inherits characteristics from NO-DA, a Japanese sentence-final marker. This paper clarifies the differences based on the function of NO-DA, which has been analyzed in terms of speaker's information territory by Nakano (2004a, b). NONARA has two significant functions not possessed by NARA. One is that the content of subordinate clauses marked by NONARA is located in the speaker's information territory, which means that the speaker is sure of the information in the NONARA-clause. The other is that locating the content of subordinate clauses in the speaker's information territory depends on the subjective judgment of the speaker. This feature of NONARA results in unnatural sentences when information which is objectively true is introduced in NONARA clauses. Although the function of NO-DA has been generally ignored when it appears in subordinate clauses, we show that it indeed plays a significant role in such clauses. We also demonstrate that the two forms have significant differences from the cognitive point of view.