北海道大学留学生センター紀要 = Bulletin of International Student Center Hokkaido University;第10号



副田, 恵理子;平塚, 真理

Permalink : http://hdl.handle.net/2115/45661
KEYWORDS : ポスター発表;総合的な日本語運用活動;短期留学生;発表者と聞き手;プレゼンテーション


This paper reports on classroom activities in a poster presentation class promoting active and comprehensive use of a variety of language knowledge and skills. In preparing the presentation, various activities are conducted in this class, such as gathering information on presentation topics, organizing content and structure, writing the speech manuscript, making the poster, and practicing speeches and question-and-answer sessions. In addition, the use of Japanese word processors is taught for writing the manuscript and preparing the poster. A variety of instruction styles are used depending on content and activities, such as lectures, seminars including interaction between the teacher and students, and individual instruction. The results of a student questionnaire show that they enjoyed the poster presentation session and regarded it as good practice in Japanese. However, their comments reveal that their presentations sometimes interrupted each other because the all students performed them at the same time in a limited space. Compared with their earlier oral presentations, the poster presentation prompted the learners to give their presentations with awareness of the audience, and to more actively interact with them. Using the lobby in the University for the presentation enabled the learners to gain wider audience participation, and provided them with an opportunity for authentic interaction with a variety of listeners.