高等教育ジャーナル = Journal of Higher Education and Lifelong Learning;第17号


仕事における大学教育の有効性と学生時代の学習熱心度の相関に関する定量的分析 : 北海道大学における卒業生へのアンケート調査の分析結果を通して

亀野, 淳

Permalink : http://hdl.handle.net/2115/47989
JaLCDOI : 10.14943/J.HighEdu.17.25


In this paper I examined the effectiveness of university education with regard to the workplace, using methods such as quantitative analysis conducted based on the results of a 2007 questionnaire directed at Hokkaido University graduates. Regarding the issue of whether or not one's university education is useful in the graduates' current workplaces, it became clear that among some groups the effectiveness of university education as it applied to their current employment was held in high regard. These groups included graduates who as students vigorously approached their studies, those who were able to gain specialized knowledge as well as technical and logical thinking skills, and graduates who pursued a career in an area related to their university specialization. As a result, in considering the future of the university education structure, it is concluded that the effectiveness of university education in the workplace can be improved by preparing environments via which students can take the initiative to study.