北海道大学農經論叢 = The Review of the Society of Agricultural Economics;第67集


農村振興における中間支援組織の展開条件に関する一考察 : NPO法人グランドワーク西神楽を事例として

糸山, 健介

Permalink : http://hdl.handle.net/2115/49133


The purpose of this paper is to examine the conditions for the development of intermediary organizations that support farming villages, based on a case study of the nonprofit corporation Groundwork Nishikagura. As a means of analyzing this, we noted how the NPO’s incubator function and intermediary function were being fulfilled. Groundwork Nishikagura’s incubator function was being fulfilled through its open organizational system. In addition, its intermediary function was being fulfilled through its substantial incubator function and in its formation of a network that extended to many other organizations. These results show that the important point in the development of an intermediary support organization is the enhancement of its incubator function ; this, however, is intrinsically defined by an organization’s formation of a network. Setting aside network formation within a region, there is a limit to individual intermediaries’ ability to form networks outside their own regions, and further support from the administration is expected.