北海道大学留学生センター紀要 = Bulletin of International Student Center Hokkaido University;第15号


日本語理解を支援する外的リソースの使用実態調査 : 初級学習者の翻訳ツールの使用過程に焦点をあてて

副田, 恵理子;平塚, 真理

Permalink : http://hdl.handle.net/2115/49297
KEYWORDS : 非漢字圏初級学習者;未知語;物的リソース;翻訳サイト;翻訳機能


This study examined which language reference tools beginning-level Japanese learners use to understand the meanings of unknown words in texts they read in their daily lives, and what problems occur when they use them. Nine Japanese learners were given tasks requiring the understanding of unknown words. In the process of completing the tasks, they could freely use any language reference tools. The progress of the tasks and follow-up interviews were video recorded, and the data were analyzed focusing on the subjects use of translation tools (translation websites and translation functions attached to Web mails and Web browsers). The results show that when the learners read documents on the PC screen half of them used mainly translation tools. It appears that translation tools are less troublesome than typing in individual words into a dictionary. Also, they enable the learner to grasp the appropriate meaning more smoothly because he/she only has to move the pointer to those parts of the text where the meaning is unknown, or to copy and paste texts on the screen to get translated texts. However, some problems of translation tools were also revealed: texts are not accurately translated and parts omitted in the original Japanese text are not properly complemented in the English version. Participants in the research could not solve these problems using their Japanese knowledge appropriately.