低温科学 = Low Temperature Science;第71巻


ラット心筋細胞の常温保存研究 : ガス印加の影響

奥平, 俊樹;永山, 昌史;郷原, 一寿;内田, 努

Permalink : http://hdl.handle.net/2115/52356


細胞を生きたまま保存することができれば, 一つの個体から多くの実験試料を採取し安定供給することができ, 産業分野に大きく貢献できる. しかし心臓を構成する心筋細胞など需要が多いにもかかわらず保存が困難な細胞も存在する. そこで本研究では, 分散された初代ラット心筋細胞の保存条件を, キセノンなどのガスを印加し室温以上の温度まで保存温度を引き上げる技術について検討した. 9.4~35℃の範囲で種々のガスを0.5MPa印加して培養液中に分散させた心筋細胞を72時間保存し, 保存後の細胞を生理条件下で培養してその機能の正常性を評価した. その結果, 不活性ガス, 窒素ガス, 炭化水素ガスなどを印加した場合は, ガスを印加しなかった保存細胞との違いが見られず, ガスの印加効果が本実験条件内では見られなかった. しかし酸素を含んだ混合ガスを印加したところ, 高温まで分散状態が保たれたが, その後の培養試験で多くの細胞が劣化または死滅することがわかり, 高濃度酸素が保存期間中に細胞の接着機能に影響を及ぼすことがわかった.
If we can preserve the cells, we contribute significantly to the industrial demands by the stable supply of a number of experimental samples from one individual. However, some cells exist in high demand although it is difficult to preserve, such as the cardiomyocytes that make up the heart. In this study, we have examined the preservation technique by applying gases to rise the storage temperature limit of the dispersed primary rat cardiomyocytes. We evaluated the health of its functions under physiological conditions by culturing the cells after the storage by applying 0.5MPa gases for 72 hours at temperatures ranged from 9.4 to 35℃. As a result, we observed no difference between the preserved cells with and without applying inert gas, nitrogen gas and hydrocarbon gas in the present experimental conditions. However, we found the significant negative effect by applying the mixed gas containing oxygen during the culture test although the dispersed condition was kept during the preservation period at higher temperature. It is considered that the dissolved oxygen would inhibit the adhesion function of cardiomyocytes.