北海道大学農經論叢 = The Review of the Society of Agricultural Economics;第68集


フードシステムの生産額変動要因に関する産業連関分析 : 北海道の1995-2005年の動向を中心として

吉本, 諭;近藤, 巧

Permalink : http://hdl.handle.net/2115/53663


In this paper, we analyzed the value-of-production variation factor of the food system of Japan as a whole and of Hokkaido from 1995 to 2005 and determined that the economic magnitude of the food system is decreasing. We used input-output analysis as the analytical method. Compared with the result for the national analysis, the main features for Hokkaido are as follows. 1) The value-of-production rates of change for the food system for Japan as a whole and for Hokkaido are -7.7% and -11.3%, respectively, showing that the reduction rate is 3.6% point larger in Hokkaido. The main factor for this is a reduction in regional consumption and shipment. 2) The value-of-production rates of change according to the main items in Hokkaido are agriculture and fishery products -10.3%, food -10.0%, and restaurants -16.1%. Compared with the national value-of-production rates of change, the reduction rates in Hokkaido for food are large. The main factor behind this is the increase in the imports of food from other prefectures.