北海道大学大学院教育学研究院紀要 = Bulletin of Faculty of Education, Hokkaido University;第119号



菊池, 浩光

Permalink : http://hdl.handle.net/2115/53821
JaLCDOI : 10.14943/b.edu.119.105
KEYWORDS : トラウマ;PTSD;外傷性神経症;歴史;変遷;Trauma;PTSD;traumatic neurosis;history;change


古来から,心的外傷になるような衝撃体験は日常生活の中にあったはずで,神代の「古事記」の中にも外傷体験と思われるエピソードが見出される。本論では,わが国で人びとが心的外傷体験をどのように受けとめて対処してきたのかについて論じる。 明治期以降,日本は急速に近代化を進め,鉱工業や土木業が隆盛になり,労働災害後の,とりわけ頭部外傷を伴うさまざまな症状への対応が求められるようになった。すでに西欧で議論されていた心的外傷概念は,「外傷性神経症Traumatische Neurose」や「災害神経症Unfallsneurose」として移入された。これらの疾患は,現在のPTSD の近似概念と考えられてきたが,ヒステリーや器質的疾患が含まれるなど多義を擁して統一見解に至らず,また,多くの医家には賠償欲求が引き起こす心因性のものとして受けとめられていた。わが国では,戦前,戦後を通して心的外傷研究には関心が寄せられず,阪神・淡路大震災(1995)の発生で初めて注目を集めるようになった。
Since ancient times, people have undergone shocking experiences that have resulted inpsychological trauma, which has been given different names in different eras. One such traumaticepisode takes place in the Japanese myth Kojiki from the Age of Gods. This study discusses howthe Japanese have perceived and dealt with psychologically trau matic experiences.Following the Meiji Period, Japan encouraged widespread modernization. Industrial and civilworks flourished, making it necessary to deal with various symptoms following work-relatedaccidents, especially those associated with head injuries. The concept of psychological trauma,previously discussed in Europe, was introduced as Traumatische Neurose and Unfallsneurose .These disorders are often regarded as being similar to today’s post traumatic stress disorder(PTSD), but are also characterized by hysteria and organic diseases. This resulted in ambiguity,with no consensus among experts. Many physicians also considere d these disorders as psychogenicillnesses that generate compensation desires. In Japan, prior to and after World War II, the studyof trauma gathered little interest; it was only after the Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake Disaster in 1995that it began to attract attention.