北海道大学大学院教育学研究院紀要 = Bulletin of Faculty of Education, Hokkaido University;第119号


教育理念としての〈子どもと発達〉理解 : 「 子ども期と子ども観」研究の序論的考察

宮盛, 邦友

Permalink : http://hdl.handle.net/2115/53829
JaLCDOI : 10.14943/b.edu.119.177
KEYWORDS : 子どもの権利;教育の公共性;臨床教育学;子ども期と子ども観;the rights of the children;the community of the education;clinical pedagogy;the childhood and the child's idea


The purpose of this paper makes the research theme clear through analysis the important studiesin Japan and Europe about the childhood and the child’s idea. The themes of analysis are follow;The first, the sciences of the development of Morikazu Katsuta in Japan. The second, the sciencesof the child of Jean-Jacques Rousseau in France. The third, the sciences of the children’s history of Philippe Aries and the controversy about it in West. The fourth, the sciences of the child and thedevelopment in global age and its possibilities in America. The childhood and the child’s idea isthe educational thought that demands the child and the development relatively as ‘the discoveryof the child’. The child and the development are the historical concepts having the concept of thestate, the nation and the government since the modern, that is‘the children and the state’. In theglobal age, it is very important that we try to the reconstruction the childhood and the child’s idea and the development’s concept based the children and the state.