国際広報メディア・観光学ジャーナル = The Journal of International Media, Communication, and Tourism Studies;No.18


中国ネット世論形成における伝統メディアとインターネットの共働についての考察 : 「労働教養制度の改革・撤廃」を事例として

劉, 亜菲

Permalink : http://hdl.handle.net/2115/55170


This paper, taking the example of Education-through-Labor System Reform, conducts the investigation on the interaction and mutual complementation status between traditional media and Internet through the formation process of Chinese Internet public opinions. Firstly, it analyzes the BBS posts about the system from 2003 to 2012, whose result indicates that, from 2003 to July 2012, on the Internet, there were a few posts criticizing the system, appealing to system reform. Until August 2012, the Tang Hui Education-through- Labor Case led to a huge climax of calling for the abolition of the system. Then, this thesis follows the process of the Case’s exposure, reporting and formation of views, and reaches conclusions that the cross-media activity that journalists release information via micro-blog promotes the formation of public opinions and the influential public opinions are formed through the interaction between traditional media and Internet. Moreover, this research shows the conditions of the public opinion formation operated by the interaction under the mediamanagement of the Chinese Government.