北海道大学大学院教育学研究院紀要 = Bulletin of Faculty of Education, Hokkaido University;第120号



谷川, 千佳子

Permalink : http://hdl.handle.net/2115/56426
JaLCDOI : 10.14943/b.edu.120.83
KEYWORDS : 看護労働;外来看護;労働編成;能力育成;OJT;Outpatient Department Nursing;Labor process;Labor organization;Developing Competence;On-the-Job-Training


【目次】 1.はじめに 2.看護職の能力育成に関する研究:OJT を中心に 3.外来看護職場の労働編成  4.外来看護職場の職務間関係 5.能力育成を組み込んだ職務編成のあり方 6.おわりに  
The purpose of this paper is to focus on job placement and training of nurses intended for the hospital outpatient department. Also to discuss the organization and planning of the nursing administration. There are three key methods to accomplish this objective. 1) Labor process and organization. 2) Streamlining nursing duties. 3) Allocation, training and evaluation. Conclusion: 1)Each nurse must carry out 11 separate tasks on a single patient in 3~5 minutes, while the doctor is with another patient. Multiplicity of duties are performed on up to five patients. Unfortunately there is too much“office type”work which reduces time for professional nursing. 2)I suggest an extra“migratory”nurse to be available at times when these rushed duties are carried out. This additional support will reduce stress for the nurses as assistance can be offered on many items of concern. 3)To carry out these duties management must create an independent mind for each nurse, improve efficiency while carrying out tasks, but always focusing on professional nursing standards. 4)Maintaining correct scheduling between OJT’s and doctors. For example each nurse should be allocated to the same doctor for the period it takes to gain confidence in her job.