北海道大学大学院教育学研究院紀要 = Bulletin of Faculty of Education, Hokkaido University;第120号


高等専修学校の1条校化をめぐる論点 : 管理職への聞き取り調査を中心に

山田, 千春

Permalink : http://hdl.handle.net/2115/56432
JaLCDOI : 10.14943/b.edu.120.179
KEYWORDS : 高等専修学校;1条校;後期中等教育;Upper secondary Specialized Training schools(koto sensyu Gakko);The first Article School;Upper secondary education


全専各連は,専修学校が学校教育法第1 条に規定されていないために起こる取り扱いでの格差を改善しようと,専修学校の1 条校化運動を推進してきた。それに関する議論は,専門学校を中心に行われているので,本稿では,高等専修学校に焦点を当て,筆者が北海道の高等専修学校の管理職に行った聞き取り調査をもとに,1 条校化をめぐる論点の整理を試みた。調査の結果,小規模校では,資格のある教員の確保や施設面での充実を義務付けられる点から専修学校のままを望んでいた。一方,中規模校では,教員数の増加や教育施設のより一層の充実を期待し,1 条校化を望んでいた。それらを踏まえて,高等専修学校の1 条校化をめぐる論点として,1,全専各連の1 条校化の要望と現場との間に意見のギャップがある点,2,格差の改善を優先するのか,教育における自由度を優先するかという点,3,教員資格の基準について,4,学園内における他の学校との関係性の問題,以上4 つの論点を見出すことができた。
To improve the difference of the treatment because a vocational schoo(l Sensyu Gakko ) is not a “school” of the first Article of the School Education Law (Gakkoukyouiku-hou ), National Association of Vocational Schools of Japan( Zensenkakuren) has promoted the First Article School Movement of Vocational School. Because the discussion about it is performed mainly in Specialized Training schools(Senmon Gakko ), in this report, it focused on the Upper secondary Specialized Training schools(koto sensyu Gakko ), based on the interviews to the management of the Upper secondary Specialized Training schools of Hokkaido, and the writer tried arranging the point at issue. As a result, the small school wanted a vocational school from a point of being required to secure the qualified teachers and enhance the facilities. On the other hand, medium-sized schools have hope that they expect the improvement of facilities and an increase in the number of teachers and that they are become the first Article school. Based on them, as the point at issue of the first Article school, 1) That there is a gap of opinion between the site and the demand of the first Article school in National Association of Vocational Schools of Japan.2) Whether to give priority to improved treatments, and whether to give priority to flexibility in education.3) About the teacher qualification.4) Problem of relationship with other schools in the same management. These four point at issue are found.