科学技術コミュニケーション = Japanese Journal of Science Communication;15号


成人ASD(自閉症スペクトラム障害)当事者の博物館利用の現状と課題 : 「科学コミュニケーション」の場としての博物館の役割に着目して

沼崎, 麻子;藤田, 良治;鈴木, 誠;松田, 康子;吉田, 清隆;斉藤, 美香;湯浅, 万紀子

Permalink : http://hdl.handle.net/2115/56447
JaLCDOI : 10.14943/66447
KEYWORDS : ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder);museum;science communication;universal design;local community development


As a place of science communication, museums are being expected to encourage all citizens to avail and participate in its activities. This paper focuses on adults with ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) with whom a questionnaire survey was carried out. 80% of them answered they liked museums. There were two main reasons behind this: the appreciation for the museum’s side of satisfying intellectual interests and its less burdening atmosphere and environment for people with ASD who are hypersensitive. On the other hand, it became clear that services for improving learning effect are not being sufficiently used by them. They also face some difficulties when using museums: museums might be inconveniently located, do not match well with their hypersensitivity, and often have hard to understand indications and instructions. The result of the survey reveals that there is an expectation for museums to improve usability to match better with people with ASD’s characteristics. Such improvement will have to take into consideration different positions that people have and obstacles they face, in order to incorporate universal design to museums and develop educational programs that utilize minorities’abilities. On a long-term basis, museums’contribution will be expected for the development of science communication and community.