北海道大学大学院教育学研究院紀要 = Bulletin of Faculty of Education, Hokkaido University;第126号


幼児期における仲間関係に関する研究の動向 : 個体能力論と関係論の循環の先へ

及川, 智博

Permalink : http://hdl.handle.net/2115/62505
JaLCDOI : 10.14943/b.edu.126.75
KEYWORDS : 幼児期;仲間関係;個体能力論;関係論;活動理論;Early childhood;Peer relationships;Cartesian view;Relational view;Activity theory


This paper reviews the studies of peer relationships in early childhood, and discusses a number of current issues related to this area of study. Firstly, the author organized these studies into two main groups. The first group of study comprises research that focused on individual's social ability and skills, and is further categorized into three areas: 1) Social cognitive ability, 2) Social skills, and 3) Sociometric states. Next, the second group of study centered on children's relationships, which can be classified into two areas: 1)Interactions among children prior to a play, and 2) Development of children's peer relationships. Based on the findings from the above studies, the author suggested two issues. Firstly, many studies discussed the formation of peer relationship by analyzing the individual children's social ability and skills. Although, it is often known that peer relationships influence children's development, little is known about how social development proceed from peer relationships. Secondly, the author suggested that there is a need to determine the stages of development during the process of peer relationships' formation. In other words, future work should not only analyze the process of how children's relationships are formed, but also the nature, context, and educational goals of those activities that children participate in the early childhood settings.