北海道大学大学院教育学研究院紀要 = Bulletin of Faculty of Education, Hokkaido University;第126号


「新化公学校沿革誌」「新化農業補習学校沿革誌」 : 植民地台湾の教育史

北村, 嘉恵;樋浦, 郷子;山本, 和行

Permalink : http://hdl.handle.net/2115/62515
JaLCDOI : 10.14943/b.edu.126.298
KEYWORDS : 地域史;帝国教育史;学校史料;植民地化/脱植民地化;台南;history of local communities;educational history of Japanese Empire;history of localhistorical school documents;history of local communities,educational history of Japanese Empire,colonization/decolonization;Tainan


This volume is reprinting of historical school documents selected from historical archives of two schools, Municipal Hsinhua elementary school and National Hsinhua industrial vocational school, both located in the present-day in Hsinhua district, Tainan city, Taiwan. In Taiwan, interests in school official documents are rising in recent years. With investigation and arrangement of these documents, studies are being deepened to some extent. In Japan, too, comprehensive investigation on historical documents in each prefecture is being developed from archivist standpoints. We hope that publishing these documents will contribute to allowing the histories of Taiwan and the Japanese Empire to be studied in conjunction with the historic and bird-eye view of one another. We are currently surveying documents from throughout the Japanese Empire related to the educational history, with the goal of elucidating the processes of colonization and decolonization in East Asia in ways that are rooted in local communities. This volume is the preliminary publication of our larger project. As said above, both schools in this volume were now located in Hsinhua district, Tainan. Hsinhua is in about fifteen kilometers to the northeast from Tainan city area. By seventeenth century, there was a village of indigenous Siraya people, and Tavokan-sha (the community of Siraya people) had also been formed in the present-day Hsinhua district. With increase of Han Chinese immigrants later on, Siraya people was obliged to leave there and emigrate to the foot of mountains. These school archives enable us to understand the multilateral meanings of the elementary and post-elementary education for Hsinhua area.