北海道農業経済研究 = Hokkaido Jounal of Agricultural Economics;第4巻 第1号


野菜卸売市場における需給構造の変化と価格変動 : 北海道産玉葱を事例として

姜, 暻求

Permalink : http://hdl.handle.net/2115/62963


It has been commonly recognized that supply change causes price variations in the case of agricultural products. Thus, price stabilization policy has been taken with supply control. On the other hand, it is well known that the low price elasticity of demand and supply lead to large price fluctuation. We will state the relationship between price elasticity and coefficient of variation, and verify that decrease of price elasticity leads to price fluctuation. We devided the analized period into two terms. The first one is from 1973 to 1981, the other is from 1982 through 1990. Comparing to first term, ther are a number of changes, such as marketing change and policy change etc, which declining price elasticity in second term. We made clear the fact that in second term, price variation is as large as that of first term, in spite of a steep decrease of supply fluctation. We regarded that this fact is due to decrease of price elasticity of supply and demand in second term. We examined the change of price elasticity and verified statistically their decrease in Tokyo Central Wholesale Market.