北海道農業経済研究 = Hokkaido Jounal of Agricultural Economics;第7巻 第1号


競合産地分析システムによる道産野菜の市場動向分析 : 北海道ダイコンを事例として

松山, 秀和

Permalink : http://hdl.handle.net/2115/63145


This paper focuses on market trend analysis of radishes, which are increasing in cultivation, and is conducted in wholesale markets across Japan. There are two major objectives of the analysis. One is to determine the contents of shipments from the districts competing with Hokkaido by conducting analysis at wholesale markets. The other is to clarify the characteristics of distributive markets for Hokkaido-produced radishes by classifying wholesale markets using quantity per year and quantity per day. The vegetables and fruits markets information (NAPASS) and the competitive-producing district analysis system, which was developed by Matsuyama, were used as the analysis method and technique respectively. The results are as follows: Hokkaido competes with Aomori from July to October when Hokkaido-produced radishes enter wholesale markets across Japan. In order to clarify the characteristics of the wholesale markets where Hokkaido-produced radishes are delivered, three types were classified by market share (from July through October). Type I (market share 30%〜60%) shows the wholesale markets where Hokkaido-produced radishes compete with ones from other districts. Type II (60%〜) shows the wholesale markets where Hokkaido-produced radishes register larger quantity per day than type I. Type III (〜30%) shows the wholesale markets where Hokkaido-produced radishes register smaller quantity per day than type I. More than half of type III wholesale markets are largely supplied by local districts, therefore increased shipments of Hokkaido-produced radishes can be expected depending on the situation of the local districts. However, Aomori has high market shares in four markets in the Kyushu area which belong to type III, shipment to the Kyushu area requires coordination with Aomori.