北海道農業経済研究 = Hokkaido Jounal of Agricultural Economics;第8巻 第1号


水田農業多様化の進展と伝統的水利慣行の変容 : スリランカ大規模灌漑システムの事例分析

耕野, 拓一

Permalink : http://hdl.handle.net/2115/63198


The experience of Green revolution has brought Sri Lanka to a state of rice self-sufficiency in mid 1980s. At present the irrigation system in the country has fully developed and therefore the construction of new irrigation schemes is not an advisable investment. As such it is essential to use available irrigation water efficiently. This could be achieved through the growing of other field crops (OFCs) in paddy field (crop diversification) during the dry season (Yala season) as they require less amount of water. This also enables farmers to increase their income per unit area of land because many OFCs are more profitable than rice. In this background a study was carried out in a village of the dry zone during the Yala seasons in 1997 and 1998 to understand the possibility of growing OFCs in rice fields. The water management in the village was mainly conducted by the government agency. The rapid diffusion of pumping irrigation in 1990s has facilitated farmers to cultivate mainly chili and onion during the dry season in paddy fields. The main purpose of the study was to investigate the impact of pumping irrigation method on the progress of crop diversification in the dry zone and to identify the changes of the traditional water management customs (Bethma). Finally it is expected to propose some suggestions to solve related problems. Main findings are as follows; 1) There is a significant impact of increased water availability by pump on the progress of crop diversification in the dry season. 2) It was also found that the progress of crop diversification has affected the traditional water management custom of the village. Consequently it is argued that there should be some new rules and regulations on irrigation water management between the government and farmers.