北海道農業経済研究 = Hokkaido Jounal of Agricultural Economics - 第12巻 第1号

食品産業の展開と原料供給体制の形成論理 : 北海道十勝における加工用馬鈴薯に注目して

小林, 国之

Permalink :  http://hdl.handle.net/2115/63541


The research subject of this paper is clarifying about the supply system of materials that an agricultural cooperative's and an agricultural farmer's built. An object is the market of the potato for food processing expanded late in the 1970s. The supply system of materials is systematic correspondence to a agro industry aiming at maximization of a profit of the farmer who produces using the limited land and the limited labor force. Based on it, the added value and risk that belong to a farmer are clarified. The contract that made the individual farmhouse the unit is performed in the system with the powerful initiative nature of agro industry. Therefore, systematic correspondence of a farmer is restricted. Then, the Memuro-cho agricultural cooperatives has started plural sale, a processing enterprise with a new article kind. On the other hand, in Shihoro-cho agricultural cooperatives that is the powerful system of a farmer's initiative nature, the consumer place location type factory is built in accordance with the selling strategy of agro industry. Moreover, plural sale centering on trust processing with major food processors was realized, and the profit is brought to the farmer. The factors that form the supply system of the materials by the agricultural cooperatives are the following points. As a near regulation factor of capital, it is the deployment process of the agro industry set the development stage of a market, and on the basis of competition between capital. As a farmer's near regulation factor, it competes and comes out between the places of production based on the history and productive capacity of local agricultural promotion by the agricultural cooperative association.