北海道農業経済研究 = Hokkaido Jounal of Agricultural Economics - 第12巻 第1号


白井, 康裕

Permalink :  http://hdl.handle.net/2115/63542


The purpose of this paper is to clarity the feature and the efficiency, of sustainable agriculture in rice farming managed under regional agreement of cultivation, by case study in Nakafurano-cho Hokkaido. In this case, there were only few differences in rice cultivation techniques and cost among farmer practicing sustainable agriculture. And the amounts of commercial fertilizer and agricultural chemicals have been reduced. On the other hand, rice cultivation techniques and cost among ordinary rice farmer show great difference. Although the cost of commercial fertilizer and agricultural chemicals are lower than ordinary rice farmer, the yields of sustainable rice farmer are on the same level, because of the environment conservation technology produced by agricultural experiment station. The efficiency of sustainable rice farming is the best, seeing on chemical materials inputs, in data envelope analysis. But the efficiency of sustainable rice farming has declined, seeing on the working hour, in data envelope analysis. In the future, it is necessary to develop a new technology that improves the labor productivity, for instance rice noxious insect's generation prospect technology, so that the rice farming of environment conservation may extend.