北海道大学農經論叢 = The Review of the Society of Agricultural Economics;第71集


途上国における家畜保険による貧困削減の可能性 : ベトナムにおける家畜保険パイロット事業を事例に

齋藤, 陽子;窪田, さと子;グエン, ティ ミン ホア

Permalink : http://hdl.handle.net/2115/65917
KEYWORDS : 家畜保険;ベトナム


Controlling production risk in agriculture is one of the most important factors in stabilizing farmers' income over different time periods. However, financial and insurance markets are not well-developed in developing countries, including rural Vietnam, where opportunistic behavior, such as adverse selection and moral hazard, especially impede the development of a livestock insurance market. In 2011-2013, the government of Vietnam introduced an agricultural insurance system as a trial which the main focus on poverty alleviation. Our survey results indicate that farmers who received insurance payments were able to re-introduce new swine to their production, contributing to poverty alleviation. However, the enrollment rate is quite low among middle-income households, who are assumed to be very knowledgeable about animal production and hygiene technology. Therefore, policy markers and insurance companies will face a trade-off between contribution to temporary poverty alleviation and adverse selection.