北海道大学大学院教育学研究院紀要 = Bulletin of Faculty of Education, Hokkaido University - 第128号

体育科の授業研究にみる教師の実践的力量に関する一考察 : 関心をいかに形成するか

厚東, 芳樹

Permalink :  http://hdl.handle.net/2115/66747
JaLCDOI :  10.14943/b.edu.128.13
KEYWORDS : 教師教育; 「プロセス-プロダクト」研究法; 出来事研究; 関心; Teacher education; “process-product”research; Teacher e“Awareness of class events”research; Teacher's concern in class


After studying at a higher education institution, a teacher starts working in a Elementary school as a professional with a national qualification. But most of that formal education is useless in real world situations. The knowledge and skills gained at formal institutions are not always practical in realistic situations. How can teacher develop their professional capabilities then. This study reveals how teacher form their professional capabilities through learning in workplace based on surveys of“processproduct” research and“Awareness of class events”research. In order for teachers to develop their careers, it is important to form interests conditions in interest formation process of teachers at different levels by focusing on“Awareness of class events”which was derived from“process-product”research and reviewing the literature of physical education from a critically perspective. The findings in the study are as follows: 1. It became possible to describe the performance characteristics at each level of development and to identify, in general terms, appropriate teaching/learning is needed at each level. 2. How is it possible to form the Teacher's concern in class about the contents about basic practice capability to a teacher of the beginner level? 3. However, it is necessary to consider what kind of teacher forms the interest of the 'Sensitizing'. 4. It's necessary to consider the relationship between“Teacher's concern in class”and “Awareness of class events”