「学校基本調査」における専修学校関連データの推移に関する一考察 : 北海道の事例
上原, 慎一
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JaLCDOI : 10.14943/b.edu.128.41
KEYWORDS : 教育訓練機関への進学; 専修学校等への進学; 専修学校の設置状況; ローカルトラック; 地域間格差; vocational training school; specialized training college; location of professional training college; disparity in Hokkaido prefecture
The aim of this article is to consider of the amount about the young people who choice the “various course”based on survey. In Japan, it is well known the amount of young people’s course based on“School Basic Survey”. But this survey make clear the amount of people who goes the school of higher grade or who get a job. Moreover, the definition of the“school of higher grade”is very rigid. It is limited the schools which are based on School Education Act First article(it is called“ichijo koh”in Japanese). In the same way, the definition of who get a job is limited permanent employee(it is called“seisyain”in Japanese). Various schools such as specialized college, vocational training schools, schools that established by companies or trade association and who get atypical employment had been excluded(resent, professional college and who get atypical employment has been made clear).
This paper tries the amount who goes various courses young people, especially special training college and so on with the variation in Hokkaido prefecture.