北海道大学大学院教育学研究院紀要 = Bulletin of Faculty of Education, Hokkaido University;第130号 : 姉崎洋一教授退職記念号


沖縄県における教育機会の保障を目指した取り組み : 沖縄県立離島児童生徒支援センターの設置に注目して

佐々木, 貴文

Permalink : http://hdl.handle.net/2115/68858
JaLCDOI : 10.14943/b.edu.130.99
KEYWORDS : 条件不利地;離島振興;沖縄県;教育機会の保障;disadvantaged areas;remote islands development;Okinawa Prefecture;securing educational opportunities


With the overconcentration of economic activities and the growing importance of costcompetitiveness in the international market due to increasing globalization, remote areasliable to become disadvantageous economically tend to decline and suffer from disparity andimbalance of educational opportunities. This study aims to reveal the realties and problemsof education in peripheral areas with reference to Okinawa Prefecture, which is developingpolicies to eliminate the disparity and imbalance of educational opportunities in peripheralareas. Okinawa Prefecture, which is weak in industrial power and a financial base comprisingmany remote islands where no high schools exist, worked on a project to establish OkinawaPrefectural Support Center for Children and Students on Remote Islands. With a focus onthis project, we analyzed geographical and economic factors that underlay the developmentof the policy, discussions that culminated in the establishment, and the boarding students’current situations and needs. Analysis of the results clarified that this center is expectedto prevent the division of family and population outflow from remote islands in addition topromoting measures to mitigate depopulation, as well as reducing the financial burden thatstudents from remote islands face when they continue to higher education.