北海道大学大学院教育学研究院紀要 = Bulletin of Faculty of Education, Hokkaido University;第130号 : 姉崎洋一教授退職記念号


高等継続教育と大学改革 : 国立大学における生涯学習部門の動向を中心に

光本, 滋

Permalink : http://hdl.handle.net/2115/68861
JaLCDOI : 10.14943/b.edu.130.151
KEYWORDS : 高等継続教育;生涯学習;大学改革;higher and continuing education;lifelong learning department;university reform


This paper discusses about the current status and issues of the lifelong learningdepartment on national universities in Japan. It is the department's mission to reconcileuniversity extension and university reform. In particular, the organization was establishedfor implementation of the policy to promote lifelong learning. After becoming a cooperation,national universities accelerate reorganization of the department one after another. In manycases, they were absorbed into department of collaboration with local community. Due tothe policy on reorganization, especially organization for education and research, nationaluniversities are forced to use evaluation standards for contributions to increase regionalemployment, placement recruitment rate of new graduates, and community development.As a result, it is very difficult for the lifelong learning department to show the meaning ofexistence. In this situation, the department need to go back to basics to create a favorablesituation. It would be important to develop existing practical exchanges and joint researchactivities among universities that they have cultivated. Moreover, it is an issue for higherand continuing education to explore how to maintain educational organization in connectionwith lifelong learning.