高等教育ジャーナル = Journal of Higher Education and Lifelong Learning;第25号


授業への没頭度を説明する理論 : 総学習動機量説の提唱

山本, 堅一

Permalink : http://hdl.handle.net/2115/70483
JaLCDOI : 10.14943/J.HighEdu.25.63


Even if there is a desire to learn, there are times when we cannot engage ourselves in a class and there are cases when we are engaged in the class even if you we not have the desire to learn. If we cannot engage ourselves in the class, not only will it not lead to deep learning, but it may also impede the learning of others. Until now, there is no existing theory explaining how to engage in a class. In this research, we focus on the motives to learn and introduce the concepts of positive motives to learn and negative motives with regard to learning. Motives to learn related to a class are very diverse, and it is usual to have multiple motives at the same time. By thinking that these learning motives can be quantified, we defined the total as the total amount of motives to learn. If the total amount of motives to learn is positive, the learner can engage in the class, and if it is negative the learner cannot. Following this way of thinking led to the assumption that a different approach is needed to conduct a class that draws from motives to learn. This research proposes a new theory to explain the degree of engagement in classes that has never been presented before.