北海道大学農經論叢 = The Review of the Society of Agricultural Economics;第72集


採卵養鶏部門における生産調整の実施とその帰結 : 北海道を中心に

大森, 隆;長尾, 正克;坂下, 明彦

Permalink : http://hdl.handle.net/2115/71381


Along with the increasing demand for eggs against the high economic growth after World War II, poultry farming underwent rapid expansion in Japan. Sluggishness in the egg industry came after demand for eggs reached its saturation point around 1970. To promote and support this industry, a price stabilization system was implemented, followed by an adjustment policy in production in 1974, when enterprise-led poultry agribusiness continued to expand. Under such circumstances, enterprises that refused to cooperate with the adjustment policy were challenging the whole system. Although the expansion frame was designed in the excess phase, large-scale enterprises continually acquired poultry farms from small and medium-sized enterprises that went bankrupt due to a lack of investment, leading to oligopolization in the market. As for the JA, its consistently developed and implemented adjustment policies in production resulted in nothing but the dissolution of poultry complexes.