子ども発達臨床研究 = The Annual Report of Research and Clinical Center for Child Development;第13号


神経発達症の異年齢期交流に見られる関係性の研究 : 旭川LD 親の会ぷりずむの登山キャンプの参与観察から

日高, 茂暢;眞鍋, 優志;小泉, 雅彦;室橋, 春光

Permalink : http://hdl.handle.net/2115/73667
JaLCDOI : 10.14943/rcccd.13.35
KEYWORDS : 神経発達症;LD 親の会;異年齢期交流;居場所;ナナメの関係性;Neurodevelopmental disorders;LD parent’s association;Cross-age communication;Ibasho (one’s psychological place where a person feels acceptance and security);Naname relationship (diagonal relationship between children-adolescent which are neutral and supportive)


Practical research on intervention for children with handicapped focuses mainly on acquiring specific skills and few studies focusing on the relationship between children and adolescents. The purpose of this study is to clarify the influence of cross-age communication between children and adolescents with neurodevelopment disorders. In this research, we participated in the climbing camp planned by LD parent’s association and observed and investigated participants’ cross-age communication occurring in the camp. In climbing camps, it was found that the relationship between children and adolescents are more neutral and supportive. As a result, adolescents seemed to be a role model to be adopted as a near future image for children, and for adolescents to be a place of imitating the behavior of supporters and practicing the childcare. In addition, the climbing camps have the elements that encourage psychological stabilization like group psychotherapy as a place of acceptance and security (ibasho). For children and adolescents with neurodevelopmental disorders, compared to the same age group, different age group seemed to be more likely to accept the difference in ability positively.