北方人文研究 = Journal of the Center for Northern Humanities;第13号


山東問題をめぐる中日交渉(1921年11月から1922年2月まで) : 鉄道問題を中心に

楊, 茜

Permalink : http://hdl.handle.net/2115/77241


At the Washington Conference, the negotiation about the Shandong Railway issue was on the verge of breakdown, because China and Japan each sticks his own view. Japan insisted on the loan of Shandong railway, and employ Japanese as management executive during the loan period. But China submitted the acquisition of the Shandong Railway with the issuance of treasury bond. As had been done in the previous study, Britain and the United States proposed a compromise between China and Japan, which finally solved the Shandong problem. But there was no research to discuss how China thought about this compromise. Also, during the negotiation of the Shandong problem, the new premier of Beijing government told the Japanese minister that China had agreed to the Japanese view, which had lead to a public outcry sparked strong indignation of the general public. So, the paper will talk about the influence of this talks on the negotiation between China and Japan. The Chinese public opinion was strongly opposed to the loan of Shandong railway. And the paper will also talk about how the public opinion influenced the foreign policy of the Beijing government.