メディア・コミュニケーション研究 = Media and Communication Studies - 73

外国語学位コースの外国語教育における新たな方向性を探る : 英国の修士課程における日本語教育の試みから

山田, 悦子;古川, 彰子

Permalink :  http://hdl.handle.net/2115/78108


The direction of language education in modern language degree programmes has been led by the changing trends in language teaching methodology. However it has also been driven by the transformation of the nature of higher education in the last several decades. This article aims to review how language modules in modern language degree programmes have inclined to be instrumental in the context of the flourishment of Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) and undertakes a quest of establishing its own dimension in language education itself. In order for language education to establish its status as an independent academic position, an attempt to adopt a negotiated (process) syllabus and a critical approach into Japanese language education in an MA module at a British university is introduced.