北海道大学大学院教育学研究院紀要 = Bulletin of Faculty of Education, Hokkaido University;第136号



青木, 麻衣子;伊井, 義人

Permalink : http://hdl.handle.net/2115/78787
JaLCDOI : 10.14943/b.edu.136.163
KEYWORDS : 遠隔教育;遠隔教育学校;放送学校;社会的公正;多様な教育ニーズ;オーストラリア;Distance education;School of distance education;School of the air;Social justice in education;Diversification of students;Australia


 Australia has a vast land area about 20 times that of Japan, and a certain number of children living in remote and very remote areas inside of the country and not having access to local schools due to the geographic isolations. In order to overcome such physical 'distance' obstacles and ensure the opportunities for school education for every student, the system of distance education was established more than 100 years ago at around the same time that the Federal Government was set up in the country.  Communication methods in distance education such as postal, radio, telephone, and the Internet have been renewed with each passing era, and the target students have been extended not only for children living in remote areas but also for medical reasons, learning difficulties, diverse lifestyles and so on. In other words, diversification of learners has progressed with the times. However, the schools of distance education have always had a mission to achieve "social justice" in school education, through ensuring and equalizing educational opportunities for pupils who are geographically and socially "isolated" for some reasons and improving their quality.  In this paper, we would like to consider the development of the schools of distance education through the literature review and information obtained through our field surveys conducted in 2018, and make clear the issues facing the schools of distance education in recent years especially due to the diversification of students.