北海道大学大学院教育学研究院紀要 = Bulletin of Faculty of Education, Hokkaido University;第136号


大学博物館での展示解説を活用した成人ASD(自閉スペクトラム症)当事者と非当事者学生対象の就労支援プログラムの開発とプログラム内設問の評価 : 個別解答可能問題を中心に

沼崎, 麻子

Permalink : http://hdl.handle.net/2115/78792
JaLCDOI : 10.14943/b.edu.136.31
KEYWORDS : 自閉スペクトラム症(ASD);博物館教育プログラム;就労支援;展示解説;ASD当事者・非当事者共働;Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD);Educational program in a museum;Employment support;Exhibition commentary;Cooperation between people with ASD and non-ASDs


 成人ASD当事者市民と非当事者学生が共に学びあい支援しあう新たな形の就労支援として,大学博物館で展示解説について学び,実践しながら会話・伝達コミュニケーションを育成する教育プログラムを開発した。これは,北海道大学総合博物館開講の展示解説実践を伴う科目を応用し,共通課題としての会話・伝達コミュニケーションを当事者と非当事者が講義・展示解説実践から学ぶプログラムである。学内支援部署や博物館ボランティア員,指導者らのサポートのもと,全12回の講義・実践を経て,最後に一般来館者への展示解説を実施する。  ここで使用するテキストの設問の一部について,ASD当事者市民・非当事者学生計4名に回答と評価を求めた。設問の意図に比較的合った解答がなされた一方,「解答しやすいテキスト構成や書式」「相互支援につながる講義」「映像・音声問題収録時の評価とブラッシュアップ」という視点での改善が必要であることが明らかになった。
 The author developed an educational program for conversational and conveyance communication through the learning and practice of exhibition commentary at a university museum as a new type of employment support for adults with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and non-ASD students to learn together and support each other. This program is an application of a lesson by Hokkaido University Museum, through which students learn exhibition commentary for a group of visitors. In this program, non-ASD students learned conversational and conveyance communication as common issues between people with ASD and non-ASD students through lectures and practice of exhibition commentary. With the help of the support department for challenged students at the university, museum volunteers, and an instructor, the students attend 12 lectures and received exhibition commentary practice. They provide exhibition commentary for museum visitors in the final class.  For evaluation, the authors asked four participants (two adults with ASD and two non-ASD students) to answer questions in the textbook, which was used in the program. The majority of the answers were in line with the intention of questions. However, the textbook requires some improvements in the following aspects: constitution and layout to help students easily answer questions, lectures demonstrating how adults with ASD and non-ASD students can support each other, and evaluation after recording the demonstration of exhibition commentary voices and movies used in some questions.