看護総合科学研究会誌 = Journal of comprehensive nursing research;vol. 19 no. 2



辻村, 祐香;西村, さなえ;飯島, 彩花;小林, 礼奈;宮島, 直子

Permalink : http://hdl.handle.net/2115/79276
JaLCDOI : 10.14943/95250
KEYWORDS : 笑顔;サージカルマスク;コミュニケーション・チャンネル;smile;surgical mask;communication channel


This study investigated the difference in smile levels depending on whether or not a surgical mask was worn at different smile levels. Seventy-five Japanese nursing students from University A were the subjects of this survey. They examined ten types of face photos of the same person and judged their smiles from 0% (no smile) to 100% (full smile). The ten types of photos presented were facial photos rated 0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% by smile measurement equipment, and facial photos combined with a surgical mask. The presentation of the photos was random, and the presentation time for each photo was ten seconds. Consequently, there was a significant difference between wearing and not wearing a surgical mask, except for facial photos with a 100% smile. It was confirmed that, when the smile level was 25%, 50%, and 75%, it was received with a smile level 10-20% lower when wearing a surgical mask. The results suggested that, when positive feedback is given by smiling when wearing a surgical mask, it is necessary to increase the degree of smile or supplement with other communication channels.