北海道大学大学院教育学研究院紀要 = Bulletin of Faculty of Education, Hokkaido University;第137号


長崎県・山形県における専門学校進学の実態について : 「地方の若者にとっての職業教育」の事例として

上原, 慎一;鈴木, 日向子

Permalink : http://hdl.handle.net/2115/80272
JaLCDOI : 10.14943/b.edu.137.241
KEYWORDS : 地方の若者;高卒後の進路;専門学校進学;医療系専門学校;地域別・男女別特徴;Vocational training school;Medical college;Nurses’ college;Disparity in local area


 The aim of this article is to consider of the present character about vocational life of the youth who live in local area, through the trend of the high school students who go to vocational training school, especially medical college and nurses’ college. There are various types of vocational training school in Japan. The weight of medical and nurses’ college is higher in 14 prefectures.  Nagasaki prefecture and Yamagata prefecture belong to this type. Otherwise medical and nurses’ college is popular for youth because of qualifications.  In urban area, especially prefectural capital, the percentage of students moving to higher education are increasing as same as nationwide trend. In local area, there are different character among the male students and female students. The percentage of female students moving to higher education are increasing, percentage of male students that get a job are increasing, contrary female students decreasing. The proportion of students moving vocational training school shows a little change, especially medical college and nurses’ college. A noteworthy change is the decrease of “freeter” and “neet”.  Today the percentage of students moving to higher education are increasing, the case of two prefectures reveals the constant importance of moving to vocational training schools, especially medical and nurse’ college for female students, get a job for male students who live local area.