北海道大学大学院教育学研究院紀要 = Bulletin of Faculty of Education, Hokkaido University;第137号


ASD傾向と感覚処理傾向の関連 : ASD診断群およびASD傾向高群・低群の比較を通して

柳, 民秀

Permalink : http://hdl.handle.net/2115/80281
JaLCDOI : 10.14943/b.edu.137.79
KEYWORDS : ASD;青年・成人版感覚プロファイル;感覚処理傾向;自閉症スペクトラム指数;ASD傾向;ASD;Adult/adolescent sensory profile;Sensory processing patterns;Autism spectrum quotient;ASD traits


 Persons with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) have common ASD traits and also atypical responses to sensory stimuli. In this study, the groups with and without ASD diagnosis were compared to examine the relationship between ASD traits and sensory processing patterns. First, participants were measured by the autism spectrum quotient (AQ) and the adult/adolescent sensory profile (AASP), which present ASD traits and sensory processing patterns, respectively. Second, for each quadrant of the AASP, participants were divided into two groups (high and low quadrant-score groups), and then their AQ subscale-scores were compared. In consequence, higher ASD traits were related to higher scores of low registration, sensory sensitivity, and sensation avoiding among sensory processing patterns. The high AQ groups with and without diagnosis had stronger atypicality of sensory processing than the low AQ group without diagnosis. Furthermore, relations of sensory processing scores with ASD traits were suggested in the AQ areas of social skills, attention switching, and communication.