北方人文研究 = Journal of the Center for Northern Humanities - 第14号


孫, 雨涵

Permalink :  http://hdl.handle.net/2115/80880


This paper examines the Sakakibara farm railway removal incident, which represents a Japan-China dispute over the land Lease Issue. By analyzing Hayashiʼs negotiations with China over the case, we will examine the characteristics of the land Lease Issue from the angle of the Consul General of Japan. In addition, by analyzing the activities of the Liaoning Provincial Foreign Relations Association, which was formed after the incident, the Land Lease Issue is clarified from a private point of view. Following the railway removal incident, In China, the wave of the anti-Japanese movement is rushing to the eastern three provinces, whereas a rapid national rights collection movement was deployed nationwide, the Japanese government has developed a proactive continental policy, deepened military and political interference with China. In order to solve the stalled commercial rights issue, Hayashi deliberately intensified the land conflict in the region and, while exerting pressure on Zhang, wanted to defend Japanʼs vested interests by means of strong force. Hayashi argued that China should disregard Chinaʼs protests and firmly suppress Chinaʼs anti-Japanese movements and business rights obstruction movements when negotiating a solution to the railway removal incident. On the other hand, the Liaoning Provincial Government and the Liaoning Foreign Affairs Negotiation Office made repeated protests to the Consulate General but held a relatively moderate policy toward Japan by suppressing the rising anti-Japanese movement. The reason for this is that the Zhang XueLiang administration at that time focused on negotiations with the Soviet Union, gradually shifting the power of diplomatic negotiations from the local government to the diplomatic affairs of the national government, and Zhang is worried that his hard-line policy against Japan will give Japan an excuse to allow interference. The Diplomatic Association strongly condemned the negligence and weakness of the Northeast authorities and devised various measures against Japanʼs land seizure. However, in reality, the activities of the Diplomatic Association were limited to some extent, leaving the Sakakibara Farm problem unsolved.