北海道大学農經論叢 = The Review of the Society of Agricultural Economics;第74集


小規模農業者による六次産業化の取り組みと顧客への新たな「価値創造」 : 千歳市・小栗農場「(有)ファーム花茶」を事例として

伴, 秀実;東山, 寛

Permalink : http://hdl.handle.net/2115/81639


The business operation of “small-scale agriculture,” which is promoting the sixth industrialization, was analyzed mainly on the framework of marketing functions through the case of Oguri Farm “Farm Kacha”. The “integrated farm environmental service” based on products, services, and environment built on the unified concept of “Kacha” business has become a place for the creation and provision of new value to customers. The value of the service to customers is spend time with mental satisfaction as in everyday life. This value is provided to customers through new innovations, and it leads to the creation of new customers for business operators. Regarding the discussion and analysis of “creation and provision of value” and “creation of new customers” in the sixth industrialization, it is important to take a marketing approach from business operatorsʼ point of view and as well as the customersʼ point of view.