高等教育ジャーナル = Journal of Higher Education and Lifelong Learning;第15号


TAよ, 大志を抱け : 北大TAアンケート調査結果の分析と考察

宇田川, 拓雄

Permalink : http://hdl.handle.net/2115/33024
JaLCDOI : 10.14943/J.HighEdu.15.113


This is a report on the analysis of research that was done in July 2006. We sent questionnaires to all the TAs who were working in the lower division of undergraduate education of Hokkaido University and to all the instructors who have hired TAs. When the TA system was first introduced in 1992, we were worried about who would teach TAs and how. Some disliked this new system because it might deprive graduate students of their time to study. The analysis shows that many TAs like their jobs and more than 80% are willing to do the job again. More than 30% of TAs lectured and lead discussions. Instructors think that they are mostly satisfied with their TAs. Of the instructors, 66% tailored their way of teaching to accept TAs in their classes. TAs will become important members of universities. The new role of TAs is being institutionalized in Hokkaido University. It will elevate the character of the graduate students and enhance their ability to cope with problems. It will open a frontier in higher education teaching, and contribute to the advancement of research and training of experts with high intelligence.