北海道大学農經論叢 = The Review of the Society of Agricultural Economics;第77集


農福連携の継続要因と関係機関に求められる対応 : 北海道恵庭市を事例として

香川, 克樹;東山, 寛

Permalink : http://hdl.handle.net/2115/92294
KEYWORDS : Agricultural and welfare cooperation;Working away from the facility;Type B Continuous Employment Support;農福連携;施設外就労;就労継続支援B型事業所


In recent years, as labor shortages in agriculture have become more serious, agricultural welfare partnerships have been attracting attention. However, the withdrawal rate from agricultural welfare partnerships is high nationwide, and there are issues of continuity. In addition, it has been pointed out that it is important to build a support system for agricultural welfare partnerships by relevant local organizations, and support by such organizations is required to enhance continuity. In this paper, based on a survey of the actual situation of the collaboration between Type B labor support facilities and agricultural enterprises in Eniwa City, Hokkaido, we clarify the factors necessary for the continuation of this collaboration and consider the performances of the related organizations. In order to continue the collaboration between agriculture and welfare, it is necessary to give consideration to users and to secure staff with an understanding of agriculture. Three elements were pointed out as necessary for the consideration of users: the adoption of a piece-rate system, outsourcing of work with an appropriate level of difficulty, and maintenance of the work environment. As for measures required of related organizations, there is room to consider providing financial support to cover the additional fee for out-of-facility work and expanding the regional area to increase the number of offices involved in agricultural and welfare cooperation.