北海道大学農經論叢 = The Review of the Society of Agricultural Economics;第77集


家族農業経営における経営継承直後の販路拡大と展開方向 : 北海道タマネギ作経営を事例として

髙橋, 成弥;小松, 知未

Permalink : http://hdl.handle.net/2115/92295
KEYWORDS : Family farm;Management succession;Management objectives;Expand sales channels;家族経営;経営継承;経営目的;販路拡大


This paper focuses on the management objectives and sales strategies in family farms immediately after succession, specifically analyzing a family farm in its third year of succession in Kuriyama Town, Hokkaido. The study reveals the practicalities and challenges of sales strategies based on management objectives. Additionally, considering potential constraints on future business resources, the paper discusses prospective directions for development. In the case study, the family farm management realized these objectives by coordinating multiple sales channels and adjusts strategies based on the objectives of "profit assurance" and "growth & customer creation." In the process of developing sales channels, the management objectives and the corresponding sales channel acquisition did not progress step by step, and flexible responses according to the life stage of the family business were observed. A challenge identified is the complexity of business management due to the expansion of sales channels, and measures are required in preparation for the potential retirement of the parent generation. Future management development may be directed towards reducing the management burden by rationalizing internal management structures and grouping producers.